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3 Q&A's: Foot & Ankle Surgeons

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

What exactly goes into becoming a foot and ankle surgeon? Here's 3 frequently asked questions and answers on the subject. If you have a different question you want us to answer, leave it in the comment section below!

Performing Surgery

What education has a foot and ankle surgeon received?

After completing undergraduate education, the foot and ankle surgeon completes the four-year curriculum at an accredited podiatric medical school, graduating with the degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM).

What does it mean to be "Board Certified"?

Certification by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery (ABFAS) includes four years of postdoctoral clinical experience, completion of an approved residency, a large number of surgeries representing a diverse range of foot and ankle surgical procedures and successful completion of an extensive two-part certification process, in addition to submitting surgical case logs.

What problems do foot and ankle surgeons treat?

Foot and ankle surgeons provide care for a wide range of conditions from simple sprains to surgeries. They are qualified to detect early stages of diseases that exhibit warning signs in the lower extremities ex. diabetes, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease. They also manage foot conditions that might pose an ongoing threat to a patient's overall health.


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